Metro Central JDAP Meeting Agenda 16 July 2020

Public Notice 7 July 2020

A meeting of the Metro Central Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) has been called for the determination of the following planning application:

Property Location: Lot 500 (No.8) Parker Street, South Perth
Development Description:
Demolition of Single House and construction of a four storey Multiple Dwelling Development comprising 20 dwellings.
Proposed Amendments: 
Amendments to Previously Approved Multiple Dwelling Development (4 Storey Southern Building) 
Planning Solutions
Various; individual landowners of 8 Parker Street

Meeting Date and Time: 9am, 16 July 2020

Meeting Venue: This DAP meeting will be conducted by electronic means open to the public rather than requiring attendance in person.

To connect to the meeting via your computer -
Meeting ID -  980 7329 2566

To connect to the meeting via teleconference dial the following phone number - +61 8 7150 1149
Insert Meeting ID followed by the hash (#) key when prompted - 980 7329 2566

The meeting agenda, the responsible authority reports and the corresponding attachments are available to view on the Development Assessment Panels website

As Agenda documents are updated regularly, please ensure you check online for the most current version. 

DAP Members
  • Should you have any disclosures of interest in respect to this application, please complete the attached Declaration of Interest form and email to the DAP Secretariat
  • Upon review of the Responsible Authority Report, should you require any additional information in accordance with Regulation 13(1), please complete the attached R.13 R.13 Request for Information form and email to the DAP Secretariat. 
  Local Government
  • The local government is to place the full Agenda on your website as required in accordance with regulation 39 of the Planning and Development (Development Assessment Panels) Regulations 2011
  • We will advise the local government of all approved presentations prior to the meeting and update the meeting agenda to include names of approved presenters.
  • Please advise the DAP Secretariat of the names of any additional officers who will attend the meeting.


  • Please advise the DAP Secretariat if you will be sending a representative to the meeting on your behalf or if any work colleagues/associates will attend. 
  • The name and work title of any additional attendee is required. 

Presentation Requests

  • To make a presentation to the DAP, please complete the attached Presentation Request Template and email it to the DAP Secretariat.
  • The request is to be submitted at least 3 days prior to the DAP meeting.

Contact us

For more information, please contact the City or Make a Request online.
  • Phone 9474 0777