Remembering our Anzacs

News Update 21 April 2020

While we are unable to physically be together at Anzac Day Dawn Services this year, we can still honour our fallen servicemen and women, and those who have or still serve today from the safety of our own homes.

‘Remembering our Anzacs’ is a collection stories that encourages us to contemplate and reflect upon the sacrifices of Anzac veterans from South Perth and other inner city Perth suburbs.

These stories, which you can read on the Visit Perth website, reveal the selflessness of everyday people who were called upon to serve their country in extraordinary circumstances. They inspire us to draw strength from the incredible resilience and courage of servicemen and their families who lived in Perth during war time.

This year the City of South Perth encourages everyone to stay safe, stay at home and support RSLWA’s call to ‘Embrace the Spirit of Mateship’ by standing in quiet contemplation at the end of their driveways, or on their balconies, at 6am on April 25 in a collective show of respect. The dawn commemorations will take place in the wake of the first cancellation of  ANZAC Day services since WWII, due to the COVID-19 crisis. To find out more about the driveway vigil visit RSLWA.

You can discover even more about the City's local Anzac veterans by visiting the Anzac History page of our website.

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For more information, please contact the City.