Out for comment Draft Scheme Amendment No. 63
Submissions are invited on a proposal (amendment) to modify the town planning requirements for land in the Preston Street Neighbourhood Centre. The amendment proposes requirements that would apply to new buildings in the area around the Como IGA, Cygnet Theatre and Karalee Tavern. These requirements relate to matters such as building height, density, land use and parking.
The amendment requests that the controls in the Scheme be changed. The amendment is not a proposal for a new building. If the amendment is adopted, the owners of land in the amendment area could lodge a development application (for a new building) in the future.
In summary, the amendment proposes:
- Recoding of Site ‘R’ (broadly the ‘Como Centre’) to allow for re-development of the site up to a maximum height of 29 metres (8 storeys)
- Recoding of Site ‘S’ (broadly the land around the Cygnet Theatre) to allow for re-development of the site up to a maximum height of up to 47 metres (13 storeys), subject to specific development criteria relating to setbacks, public benefits and solar access
- Increase the maximum building height limit for ‘Other Sites’ from 10.5 metres to 14 metres (generally 4 storeys)
- Introduce requirements for Site ‘R’ and Site ‘S’ to make provision for/or payment towards upgrading of the public realm along Preston Street and the conservation of the Cygnet Theatre building
- Additional permitted land uses (such as apartments, shops and offices) specific to Site ‘R’ and Site ‘S’ and modifications to parking requirements.
Find out more and have your say
To have your say and to find out more, visit yoursay.southperth.wa.gov.au.
The documents are also available for inspection at the City’s Civic Centre and the South Perth and Manning Libraries during opening hours.
Community drop in sessions
You can learn more about the amendment at the community drop in sessions:
- 10am-12pm, Saturday 8 February
Preston Street
between Labouchere Road and Mary Street, Como - 4.30-7pm, Wednesday 19 February
City of South Perth Civic Centre
Reception Room, cnr Sandgate Street and South Terrace, South Perth - 9.30-11.30am, Tuesday 10 March
City of South Perth Civic Centre
Reception Room, cnr Sandgate Street and South Terrace, South Perth
Submissions closes 5pm, Monday 16 March 2020.
Your submission is important and will help the City in making its recommendation to the State Government before the amendment is determined.
Contact us
- Phone 9474 0777
- Email enquiries@southperth.wa.gov.au