National Recycling Week 11-17 November 2019

News Update 5 November 2019

Research shows that over 90% of Australians want to recycle but only 10% are getting it right. People are still confused over what belongs in the recycling bin, resulting in contamination from food, liquids, soft plastic and fabric.

This National Recycling Week (11-19 November 2019) the City and its waste contractor Cleanaway are encouraging residents to look at the everyday products they consume and #BreakItDown to put the right thing in the right bin.

What can you do?

  1. Know the right materials for recycling
  2. Separate each material before disposal
  3. Use the right bin (yellow lid bin for recycling, green lid in for landfill)

Test your knowledge and download Cleanaway's Break It Down eBook.

To find our more about recycling in the City, visit our Recycling Programs page for more information.

National Recycling Week was founded in 1996 by Planet Ark to bring a national focus to the environmental benefits of recycling.

Contact us

For more information, please contact the City.