The numbat has arrived!
On Sunday 10 August a giant numbat canopy was installed at the South Perth Foreshore as part of the City’s Connect South project.
Delivered by truck from the workshop in Wangara, the six tonne numbat was lifted into place early Saturday morning and now sits proudly watching over Mends St, awaiting the arrival of its sister canopy, the frilled-neck lizard. The second canopy is set to arrive in four to six weeks and will face the Swan River.
The aim of major project Connect South is to provide an iconic welcome for visitors to the City and link Mends St Jetty with the greater South Perth area, including the Perth Zoo.
These animal inspired canopies have been chosen to reflect Perth Zoo’s dedication to conservation, and commitment to wildlife and showcasing native fauna.
The numbat is Western Australia’s mammal emblem and is currently classified as endangered. The zoo breeds numbats for release into protected habitats, and since 1993, 200 numbats have been released into the wild to help ensure the WA icon survives and prospers.
A range of animal inspired artworks are to come as Connect South nears completion.
The project is expected to be complete by November 2019.
For more information visit the Connect South project page.

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