Thanks for your feedback on the draft South Perth Activity Centre Plan

News Update 30 July 2019
South Perth Activity Centre Plan

The public comment period for the draft South Perth Activity Centre Plan (ACP) has now closed. 

The draft ACP and associated proposed Town Planning Scheme Amendment No. 61 (Amendment No. 61) set out the long term strategic vision and statutory planning requirements for development in the area over the next 10 years. The area covered by the draft ACP stretches from the tip of South Perth Peninsula to Richardson Park and Perth Zoo.

Thanks to those who provided feedback – the City had great engagement and lots of submissions. 

All feedback received will now be reviewed and the draft ACP, proposed Amendment No. 61 and Policy P321 will be modified as required before being presented to Council for approval later in the year.

Once endorsed by Council, the ACP will be forwarded to the Western Australian Planning Commission and Minister for Planning for final approval.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.