South Perth Station Precinct works: 22-28 July 2019

Public Notice 19 July 2019
Road Works South Perth Station SPSP Traffic

Approved works within the South Perth Station Precinct for 22-29 July 2019:

Construction site -abnormal works*
26 Charles Street

Subject to final approval
Lane closure westbound, traffic flow maintained eastbound with traffic control for concrete wall installation operations.

Cockram Constructions 22 July 7am-7pm
26 Charles Street General truck movements on Charles Street, footpath closure and detour for construction operations.  Cockram Constructions
22-27July  7am-5pm 
South Perth Esplanade  Road alignment switch, vehicles will travel along new alignment.  MG Group  26 July  TBC 
  Construction site - general approvals       
None notified        
Service Works
None notified
Long term works
South Perth Esplanade / Mends Street Traffic control on South Perth Esplanade for truck access. Footpath detours in place for shared path and jetty access with path realignment required for 8 weeks. Partial road closure and temporary realignment of traffic lanes to facilitate road and footpath upgrades. Vehicles exiting Mends Street diverted to do so via the east side of Mends Street. Connect South/MG Group 22-27 Jul 24/7
Melville Parade (Richardson St - Hardy St)
Principal shared path detour resulting in increased cyclists and pedestrians on Melville Parade.
MRWA 8-31 July 24/7
South Perth Esplanade Operation of Autonomous bus trials on South Perth Esplanade, Mill Point Close and Mill Point Road. RAC 24-28 July 9am-5pm
Short term low impact
Old Mill Site - Mill Point Road Works contained within property boundaries, short term off loads within parking area. Perth Builders 8 July - 24 Aug 7am-4pm
South Perth Esplanade  Operation of Autonomous bus testing on South Perth Esplanade, Mill Point Close and Mill Point Road. Review of revised alignment final date to be determined.  RAC  25 July  10am-4pm 
Upcoming works
Mill Point Road & Stirling Street Subject to Approval
Western Power connection works contained to verge areas
Cabling WA 6 August 7am-5pm
Mill Point Road on-ramp SB  On-Ramp works lane closure and speed reductions  BMD Constructions / MRWA  2-16 August  TBC 

To report a safety or accident hazard please contact the City or report the incident online via the City's Report It page.

Details of other road works in the City can be found on the construction and maintenance work page of the website.

*Abnormal works
Abnormal works are one off activities that require significant truck movements, obstructions to movement such as road closures and detours or works outside of the normal working hours. These works are subject to a separate approval process and are considered on an individual basis. Approvals may include the need to notify residents of the temporary change and in the case of works outside of normal working hours require subsequent approvals from the City’s Environmental Health Team and CEO.
**General Approvals
General approvals are granted to construction sites and long-term activities in the Station Precinct for daily activities such as general truck movements for deliveries and minor concrete pours. These works are only to be undertaken during normal working hours (7am – 7pm Monday -Saturday) and do not include works that will have a significant impact on access through/past the site area. General works are subject to a monthly approval process. 

Works on South Perth Esplanade

The works along South Perth Esplanade at the junction with Mends Street are part of the City's Connect South project. The City understands that these works may be disruptive and we thank the community and all stakeholders for their understanding and cooperation during the construction works of this important revitalisation project.

Contractor MG Group will ensure the site is kept secure and that dust and noise is minimised during construction.

Connect South Project background

The first stage of the project will create a vibrant and accessible entry point to Mends Street, the Perth Zoo and greater South Perth. Works will include the development of an active pedestrian-friendly piazza on the Mends Street Foreshore and minor upgrades to the northern area of Mends Street, between Mill Point Road and South Perth Esplanade.  

Construction is anticipated to be completed in November 2019 at an estimated total project cost of $7.5 million with $2.5 million from Federal Government National Stronger Regions funding and $5 million from the City of South Perth.  

For further project details visit the Connect South project page of the City's website. 

Contact us

For more information, please contact the City.