March Peninsula out now

News Update 12 March 2019

The March edition of the City's Peninsula newsletter will be landing in your letter boxes soon. Alternatively, you can download and read it here.

Message from Council

Here comes autumn, the point of the year when the long hot summer is behind us and we start to dream of cooler weather.

This month the City launches a brand new community festival called Hello Manning. The celebration will run across the weekend of Saturday 30 and Sunday 31 March at Manning Community Centre and James Miller Oval.

I am looking forward to the live music and entertainment on offer, as well as catching up with local people, community groups and businesses who will be taking part.

At the area adjacent to the Mends Street jetty, construction of the City’s $7.5 million Connect South project has started. This exciting revitalisation project will transform the Mends Street precinct, creating an urban heart for South Perth and a destination for our community and visitors. Development of a new pedestrian-friendly piazza on the Mends Street foreshore complete with public artworks that reflect the City’s relationship with Perth Zoo, as well as seating and stunning lighting will form an eye-catching entry point to Mends Street, Perth Zoo and greater South Perth.

As our City’s population continues to grow, like many other local governments, we are faced with the challenge of balancing the needs and aspirations of our community and meeting State Government infill targets. Our City has a fundamental role to play in accommodating growth and in recognition of this, we are preparing strategic planning documents to direct the City on this journey including the Local Planning Strategy and South Perth Activity Centre Plan.

I encourage all members of our community to help the City shape its inaugural Local Planning Strategy and check out what is proposed, and let us know your thoughts. The draft Strategy has been endorsed by the Council and the Western Australian Planning Commission for public advertising and is now open for public comment. There are a number of ways you can be involved and share your feedback with us, simply visit for details. This important strategic document will guide the City, setting a framework for local planning and development over the next 10 to 15 years.

From November last year to February this year, the Council took part in a series of workshops with town planning, urban design and placemaking consultants RobertsDay, as well as architects and demographers, to refine the draft South Perth Activity Centre Plan. These valuable sessions provided all elected members with the opportunity to further investigate a range of relevant matters including population and demographic forecasts; building height limits; distribution of building height; street setbacks and design quality requirements. Following endorsement by Council for public advertising, the draft ACP will be presented to the community and stakeholders for public comment.

City of South Perth Mayor, Sue Doherty

Related Documents

Peninsula March 2019

Welcome to the March 2019 edition of Peninsula. Inside this edition: Connect South smoking ceremony, Recreation and Aquatic Facility, Hello Manning community festival.

2019 Peninsula Magazine
PDF - 38.4 MB

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