Celebrating 70 years of Australian citizenship

News Update 22 January 2019
Australia Day

Australian citizenship is a shared identity—a common bond which unites all Australians while respecting our diversity.

Australian citizens commit to Australia and its people, working together to increase the prosperity of our nation.

Australia Day 26 January 2019 marks 70 years since Australian citizenship was introduced into law, creating for the first time a legal status of being uniquely Australian.

The Department of Home Affairs is celebrating the diverse stories of our citizens, the values that we share and the history that we create together.

Every citizenship story is different and should be celebrated.

Check out the video stories from Australians who have acquired citizenship by birth and by choice.

Australia Day 2019 Citizenship

Get social!

Share your citizenship ceremony photos with us using the hashtags #AustralianCitizenship and #AusCitz70 and #discoversouthperth #ausdaysouthperth

Australia Day 2019 Morning Ceremony

Australia Day celebrations begins early with the City of South Perth's Morning Ceremony.

The day commences at 8am with the Flag Raising Ceremony which includes the delivery of the Australian flag, a blessing, the formal unfurling and then the rising of the Australian flag by the Australian Defence Forces.

The Citizenship Ceremony follows where guests are welcomed with a traditional Welcome to Country before being inducted as new Australian citizens. Members of the public are also invited to join in and reaffirm their citizenship pledge together with the City's newest Australians.

Becoming an Australian Citizen

If you are planning on becoming an Australian Citizen, you can contact the Department of Home Affairs, the department will be able to provide you guidance on applying for citizenship. 

The Department of Home Affairs can arrange your Citizenship application, interview, test and approval process.

Once your Citizenship application is approved by the Department of Home Affairs, The City of South Perth will send you an invitation to a Citizenship Ceremony which is the final stage of your citizenship application, where you become an Australian Citizen. 

The City of South Perth holds a Citizenship Ceremony bi-monthly.

Contact us

For more information, please contact the City or Make a Request online.
  • Phone 9474 0777