Out for comment Amendment No. 60 and draft local planning policy P351.20

Public Notice 22 January 2019
Waterford Triangle
Planning and Development Act 2005

Local Planning Scheme Amendment Available For Inspection - Complex Amendment

The City has received a request to amend its Town Planning Scheme and adopt a new local planning policy within the area bound by Curtin University, Garvey St, Keaney Pl and MacKay St, Waterford (the amendment area).

Town Planning Scheme No. 6 - Amendment No. 60

Notice is hereby given that the local government of the City of South Perth has prepared the abovementioned planning scheme amendment for the purpose of: 

  • increasing the residential density code within the amendment area from R20 to R100
  • increasing the building height limit within the amendment area from 7.0 metres (2 storeys) to 17.5 metres (5 storeys)
  • allowing for development up to 24.5 metres (7 storeys) in height subject to specific criteria including minimum site area, street setback for upper storeys, maximum floorplate size, waste and parking management, and compliance with a new local planning policy (see below)
  • introducing a new land use of ‘Purpose Built Student Accommodation Facility’
  • establishing special development requirements for the amendment area relating to side and rear lot boundary setbacks, street setbacks, prohibition of Grouped Dwellings, and provisions to control the massing of buildings through articulation and breaks in the building elevations.

Draft local planning policy – P351.20 Design Guidelines for ‘Purpose Built Student Accommodation Facility’ on ‘Site P’

The abovementioned draft local planning policy has also been prepared for public comment. The draft policy provides objectives and design criteria for a future ‘purpose built student accommodation facility’ in the amendment area. The draft policy outlines a number of overall objectives along with specific objectives and policy provisions relating to: 

  • site planning and streetscape
  • built form
  • vehicle access and parking
  • services
  • landscaping
  • sustainability.

Have Your Say 

Inspection and Enquiries 

Plans and associated documents setting out and explaining the scheme amendment and policies are available at yoursay.southperth.wa.gov.au.

Hard copy documents are also available for inspection at the Civic Centre and City Libraries during business hours.

Visit the City’s engagement portal yoursay.southperth.wa.gov.au and go to the ‘Scheme Amendments’ page to submit your feedback online. 

Written submissions should be addressed to:

Chief Executive Officer
City of South Perth Civic Centre
Cnr Sandgate St & South Tce

or emailed to: feedback@southperth.wa.gov.au.

Written and email submissions should include the amendment number (Amendment No. 60), the property affected and details of the submission. 

Feedback closes 4pm, Tuesday 26 March 2019.


Contact us

For more information, please contact the City or Make a Request online.
  • Phone 9474 0777