Out for comment Draft Scheme Amendment No. 57

Public Notice 14 August 2018
Canning Highway

Planning and Development Act 2005

Local Planning Scheme Amendment Available For Inspection - Complex Amendment

Town Planning Scheme No. 6 – Amendment No. 57

Notice is hereby given that the local government of the City of South Perth has prepared the abovementioned planning scheme amendment for the following purposes:

  1. Create a new precinct for the land broadly between Arundel Street and Berwick Street, to be known as ‘Precinct 16: Canning Highway (East)’
  2. Create a new Schedule 14 to include development provisions relating to height, plot ratio, setbacks, building design and vehicle access for all new comprehensive development within the new precinct
  3. Create a new special control area for land fronting Canning Highway at the eastern end of the new precinct to resolve vehicular access issues.

Inspection and Enquiries
Plans and associated documents setting out and explaining the scheme amendment are available at yoursay.southperth.wa.gov.au. Hard copy documents are also available for inspection at the Civic Centre offices and City Libraries during business hours.

You can learn more about the proposed changes at one of four community drop-in sessions scheduled for the following times:

 Time and Date  Location
10am-12pm, Tuesday 28 August 2018  South Perth Civic Centre, Cnr Sandgate St & South Tce, South Perth
3-5pm, Saturday 1 September 2018 Moresby Hall, 4 Moresby St, Kensington 
5-7pm, Wednesday 5 September 2018  Collins Street Centre,  Cnr Collins St and Shaftsbury St, South Perth 
1-3pm, Saturday  22 September 2018  Collins Street Centre,  Cnr Collins St and Shaftsbury St, South Perth 

To view the report online and to make a comment, visit the City’s Your Say South Perth community engagement portal at yoursay.southperth.wa.gov.au.

Submissions on the planning scheme amendment may be lodged in writing and should include the amendment number, the property affected, details of the submission and your email and/or postal address.

Written submissions should be addressed to: 

Chief Executive Officer
City of South Perth Civic Centre
Cnr Sandgate St & South Tce

or emailed to: feedback@southperth.wa.gov.au

Feedback will be received until 4pm, Tuesday 16 October 2018.


Contact us

For more information, please contact the City.