South Perth Station Precinct Reference Group Members selected

News Update 1 August 2017
South Perth Station Precinct

The City has selected the members of the inaugural South Perth Station Precinct Reference Group from over 40 expressions of interest which were received.

One position remains open on the Reference Group for a representative of the Mends Street Traders. The list of members will be updated when this position is filled.
The initial membership period is two years and the group will meet once every two months (unless otherwise determined). The first meeting will be held in the second half of August 2017.
Notes will be taken by City officers and approved by the Reference Group Chairperson. Approved notes will be distributed via email to Reference Group members and made available on the City's website.


The Reference Group will provide the City and key stakeholders with an additional reference point for planning, development and place initiatives and activities in the South Perth Station Precinct and surrounding area. 

The group includes members representing a diverse range of stakeholders with interests in the South Perth Station Precinct and immediate surrounding area.

Objectives of the Reference Group;

  • Knowledge sharing and discussion on issues related to the South Perth Station Precinct
  • A reference point for feedback and input into planning, development and place initiatives and activities in the area

The formation of the Reference Group follows an intensive period of investigations, research and community and stakeholder consultation undertaken during the City’s South Perth Station Precinct: Place + Design study. 

The subsequent South Perth Peninsula Place + Design Report (May 2017) outlined recommended goals and actions, including establishing a stakeholder reference group.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.