National Youth Week 2017

Media Release 7 March 2017

The City will celebrate National Youth Week (NYW) by hosting a range of free and inclusive events and activities from 31 March to 9 April 2017.

NYW is the largest celebration of young people in Australia with thousands of people aged 12-25 from across the country involved each year. 

The City’s program of free NYW events continues to grow and this year includes a range of practical hands-on workshops as well as live music and entertainment.

A barista workshop hosted at local South Perth cafe Sprolo, will offer participants the chance to learn the basics of coffee making on a commercial coffee machine and grinder, and at South Perth Community Hall, a two-hour drone workshop will teach attendees how to fly and pilot a drone.

The City will also host an outdoor screening of the hit film Hunt for the Wilderpeople in Neil McDougall Park in Como. A skateboarding competition and Sunday Sounds, a showcase of some of WA’s best local musicians will be held at the Manning Skatepark in Karawara.

“Our youth are our future decision makers and National Youth Week is an opportunity to pause, recognise and celebrate the contribution young people make to our community.” Mayor Sue Doherty said.

 “The City and South Perth Youth Network take great pride in offering a diverse, fun and valuable selection of free events to bring our young people together.”

Leading Western Australia’s 2017 NYW celebrations is Darci Miller, a young Como woman who is passionate about mental health.

As NYW Ambassador, the 23 year-old will represent the State’s young people during the week of activities and events, sitting on the WA NYW Planning Committee.

She will play an important part in guiding and promoting WA’s events and encouraging other young people to get involved.

The University of Notre Dame graduate previously received a scholarship to work with Mentally Healthy WA on a peer-education program to teach young people about mental health. She is also part of the Youth Affairs Council of WA 2016 Youth Educating Peers Project. Darci has coordinated NYW activities in the past, including a project in Mandurah last year. 

In WA the NYW is presented by Propel Youth Arts in partnership with the Department of Local Government and Communities (DLGC). 

More than 100 events are expected to take place in WA during the week. Many of these events are funded by NYW grants provided by Department of Local Government and Communities and the Australian Government's Department of Education and Training.

Young People

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.