Notice of Adoption of City of South Perth Local Laws

Public Notice 18 January 2017
Dogs Local Law 2016
The City of South Perth Dogs Local Law 2016 will come into effect on 27 January 2017.
The purpose of the local law is to make rules regarding the confinement and fencing of dogs, set the maximum number of dogs that can be kept on a property without approval, and a requirement to remove dog excreta.
The effect is that persons must not keep more than 2 dogs over the age of 3 months unless provided for by the Local Law, the Dog Act 1976; or its associated regulations. This will ensure the extension of controls over dogs which exist under the Dog Act 1976 and Regulations.
Penalty Units Amendment Local Law 2016
The City of South Perth Penalty Units Amendment Local Law 2016 will come into effect on 27 January 2017.
The purpose of the local law is to make a correct reference to the First Schedule of the City’s Parking Local Law 2011, and to delete reference to a special event no longer held.
The effect is that this will ensure that the correct Schedule in the Parking Local Law 2011 is referred to, and reference to a special event no longer held is deleted.
The above local laws may be inspected on the City’s website or copies obtained from the City offices at Cnr Sandgate St and South Terrace, South Perth.

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