Minister for Planning meets with Mayor

Media Release 6 May 2016
Canning Bridge Canning Highway South Perth Station Precinct Waterford Triangle
The Minister for Planning Hon. Donna Faragher MLC visited the City of South Perth on Thursday 5 May 2016 to meet with the City’s Mayor Sue Doherty and John McGrath MLA Member for South Perth.

At the meeting, held at the City’s South Perth offices, the Mayor briefed the Minister about local issues including the future and vision of the City, housing density and major projects.

“The City is well on its way to achieving our housing infill targets and the Minister was given an update on strategic planning proposals which will ensure future development of additional dwellings in activity centres including South Perth Station Precinct, Canning Bridge and Bentley-Curtin Precincts, along activity corridors such as Canning Highway, and in areas of specific redevelopment need such as the Waterford Triangle and Cygnia Cove,” Mayor Doherty said.

“The challenges being experienced in the City are part of the development that greater Perth is undergoing as it matures and accommodates a growing population by acknowledging the need for higher density living. The issues being debated in the City are already being experienced elsewhere in Australia in cities such as Melbourne and they are a barometer for what will be increasingly experienced elsewhere in Perth.”

“Our discussion focussed on the recent decision of Council to endorse Town Planning Scheme Amendment No. 46 ‘South Perth Station Precinct’ with an overview of the City as a whole, the transition and change currently being experienced by the City and our vision for an even more vibrant, liveable city.”

“The development of 3D computer modelling to assist in the assessment of significant development applications within the City was also proposed in the meeting and will be further explored.”

As part of Mrs Faragher’s recent appointment as Planning Minister she will meet with all 29 metropolitan Perth local governments in the coming months.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.