Amendment No. 46 South Perth Station Precinct - Expressions of Interest for Deputations
Amendment No. 46 South Perth Station Precinct - Expressions of Interest for Deputations
Expressions of Interest for Deputations Now Open
The City of South Perth Council will be considering Town Planning Scheme Amendment No. 46 ‘South Perth Station Precinct’ at their Ordinary Council Meeting at 6pm, Tuesday 26 April 2016.
A diverse range of views and opinions were expressed in the almost 900 submissions the City received during the public comment period for the Scheme Amendment.
A copy of the Report on Submissions in relation to Amendment No. 46 will be made available on the City’s website, at Civic Centre offices and the City Libraries from 10am, Monday 11 April 2016.
The Council is inviting Expressions of Interest from those who wish to make a deputation on Amendment No. 46 at an Agenda Briefing:
5.30pm, Tuesday 19 April 2016
South Perth Community Hall
Cnr Sandgate St and South Tce, South Perth
Lodge Your Expression of Interest
Complete the Expression of Interest to Address Council on Amendment No. 46 form available on the City’s website and submit it by 5pm, Wednesday 13 April 2016.
Please note: Only those who have lodged an Expression of Interest by the closing date will be considered to make a deputation at the meeting. Please understand that your request to make a deputation may not be fulfilled if an excessive number of requests are received. In order to reduce the number of requests received, the City is encouraging the community to submit joint deputations where appropriate.
The final format of the meeting and deputations will be determined once the Expression of Interest period has closed. No PowerPoint presentations will be permitted. Those whose requests to make a deputation have been successful will be notified on Friday 15 April 2016.
*Please note change of time of the Ordinary Council Meeting from 7pm to 6pm on Tuesday 26 April 2016.
Expressions of Interest for Deputations Now Open
The City of South Perth Council will be considering Town Planning Scheme Amendment No. 46 ‘South Perth Station Precinct’ at their Ordinary Council Meeting at 6pm, Tuesday 26 April 2016.
A diverse range of views and opinions were expressed in the almost 900 submissions the City received during the public comment period for the Scheme Amendment.
A copy of the Report on Submissions in relation to Amendment No. 46 will be made available on the City’s website, at Civic Centre offices and the City Libraries from 10am, Monday 11 April 2016.
The Council is inviting Expressions of Interest from those who wish to make a deputation on Amendment No. 46 at an Agenda Briefing:
5.30pm, Tuesday 19 April 2016
South Perth Community Hall
Cnr Sandgate St and South Tce, South Perth
Lodge Your Expression of Interest
Complete the Expression of Interest to Address Council on Amendment No. 46 form available on the City’s website and submit it by 5pm, Wednesday 13 April 2016.
Please note: Only those who have lodged an Expression of Interest by the closing date will be considered to make a deputation at the meeting. Please understand that your request to make a deputation may not be fulfilled if an excessive number of requests are received. In order to reduce the number of requests received, the City is encouraging the community to submit joint deputations where appropriate.
The final format of the meeting and deputations will be determined once the Expression of Interest period has closed. No PowerPoint presentations will be permitted. Those whose requests to make a deputation have been successful will be notified on Friday 15 April 2016.
*Please note change of time of the Ordinary Council Meeting from 7pm to 6pm on Tuesday 26 April 2016.
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