Tender 16.2015
Request for Tender 16.2015
REQUEST FOR TENDER NO: 16/2015 Mill Point Foreshore Protection
The City of South Perth invites detailed submissions from experienced and qualified companies or persons for the provision of foreshore protection works within the City of South Perth.
Tenders Close 2pm, Tuesday 18 August 2015
Compulsory Site Meeting 10am, Thursday 30 July 2015
Documentation may be obtained from the City’s e-Procurement portal. It can also be found on the Tenders Section of the City’s website or from the Civic Centre, during normal office hours.
For technical information: Brad Smith, MP Rogers & Associates: Ph: 9254 6600
For contractual information: Fraser James, City of South Perth: Ph: 9474 0926
Tenders are to be lodged, either by hand or by post, addressed to:
Chief Executive Officer
Civic Centre
Cnr Sandgate St and South Terrace
South Perth, WA 6151
Canvassing of any City of South Perth staff or Councillors will immediately disqualify tenderers from the tender process.
The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Cliff Frewing
Chief Executive Officer
REQUEST FOR TENDER NO: 16/2015 Mill Point Foreshore Protection
The City of South Perth invites detailed submissions from experienced and qualified companies or persons for the provision of foreshore protection works within the City of South Perth.
Tenders Close 2pm, Tuesday 18 August 2015
Compulsory Site Meeting 10am, Thursday 30 July 2015
Documentation may be obtained from the City’s e-Procurement portal. It can also be found on the Tenders Section of the City’s website or from the Civic Centre, during normal office hours.
For technical information: Brad Smith, MP Rogers & Associates: Ph: 9254 6600
For contractual information: Fraser James, City of South Perth: Ph: 9474 0926
Tenders are to be lodged, either by hand or by post, addressed to:
Chief Executive Officer
Civic Centre
Cnr Sandgate St and South Terrace
South Perth, WA 6151
Canvassing of any City of South Perth staff or Councillors will immediately disqualify tenderers from the tender process.
The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Cliff Frewing
Chief Executive Officer
Media contact
For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.
- Phone 9474 0777
- Email media@southperth.wa.gov.au