River Walls Funding

Media Release 18 October 2013
South Perth Foreshore
The City will be able to commence high priority restorative work on the Swan River walls thanks to a $500,000 grant announced by Environment Minister Albert Jacob this morning. The work involves replacing badly deteriorated sections of the river wall either side of the Mends Street Jetty.

This section of the river foreshore is the highest profile area in the City where many visitors and residents enjoy leisure activities and relaxation time. The walls are in such a poor condition in one section that a fence has been erected as a risk management measure.

“We acknowledge that it is through the lobbying effort of our local member John McGrath that we have received this funding”, said City of South Perth Mayor Sue Doherty.

“The City is appreciative of the funding and will be sending a letter of thanks to Minister Jacobs.” 

The grant is part of a Government commitment of $1.35M announced as a Liberal party pre-election promise. The total cost of the work required in the Mends Street area is in excess of $2.5M.

“Funding is needed in the Mends Street area for the replacement of approximately 300 metres of wall, together with construction of a promenade, lighting and furniture.”

“The City will match the Government funding to ensure that the work can be done at one time to maximise the value of funds available,” said Mayor Doherty.

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