Canning Highway Road Reserve

Media Response 13 March 2008
Canning Highway

Would the Mayor like to comment regarding John McGrath’s press release about the widening of Canning Highway?

Given the uncertainties surrounding Canning Highway and the very long time delay since the first properties in the road reserve were resumed in South Perth, residents in the adjacent neighbourhoods would expect to be consulted before any definite course of action is considered.

The City believes it is important to engage residents in the vicinity of Canning Highway to discover what their views are on the matter. Currently safety issues are of major concern on Canning Highway and the cross streets, given the significant traffic volume and speeds that could potentially be alleviated by lessening the road reserve and widening the Highway.

Canning Highway cuts the City of South Perth in half and I think residents would support anything that could be done to ease the difficulties of traffic and pedestrians crossing the highway and to create safer access to the Swan River foreshore is certainly a high priority. Given the increasing popularity of public transport and cycling, investigations should also include the feasibility of a dedicated bus and bike lane. 

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