Canning Bridge Train Station - Parking

Media Response 22 November 2007
Canning Bridge

Background: I'm following up a story about the station and possible parking problems that might arise for the cities of South Perth and Melville. Because the station is kiss and ride, some people might park all day in side streets near the station.

Please attribute the below information to City Mayor James Best

1) Are there "no standing" or timed parking in streets such as Robert St, Lockhart St and Edgecumbe St?
2) Has or is the council implementing a strategy to avoid parking problems when the station opens?

The Canning Bridge Train Station is not classified as a “Kiss and Ride” station - it is classified as a “Bus transfer” station with walk on and cycle access. As a result, the City is not anticipating any significant vehicle traffic in surrounding areas. Notwithstanding this, the City has placed "No Standing" at the end of nearby cul-de-sacs and other areas where it is considered unsafe for motorists.

General street parking will be limited to discourage all day parking consistent with the
classification of the station. The Canning Bridge Precinct will be subject to monitoring to ensure that all day parking is minimised in residential areas. If necessary, a parking review of the Mill Point Precinct, to be commenced in the near future, may be extended by the City to the Canning Bridge precinct to ensure that parking can be satisfactorily managed if it becomes an issue once the station is operational.

The issue of managing parking in local streets was one of the issues raised by community
members during the Canning Bridge Train Station Community Engagement project, undertaken to gain an appreciation of the community’s vision for the precinct and to understand the perceived issues. If necessary, it is a matter that will be subject to further consideration by the City as to future management strategies.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.