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100 Mill Point Road, South Perth

Media Response 18 April 2016
South Perth Station Precinct
Journalist’s background: The residents at 100 Mill Point Road have previously complained about one side of their corner balconies being walled in by the new development at 98 Mill Point Road. Now they say the other side of their balconies will also be walled in if another proposed development is approved.

Please attribute the following comments to City of South Perth Chief Executive Officer Geoff Glass:

Could the council please give a link to meeting minutes endorsing the proposal to DAP?

This application has not been requested by Council to be considered at a Council meeting. The DAP application process requires the officer to provide the recommendation based on the planning framework, not the Council’s recommendation.

The Responsible Authority Report (RAR) for the proposed four storey mixed development at Lot 19 (2) Harper Terrace, South Perth is on the agenda for the Metropolitan Central Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) meeting on 20 April 2016. The agenda containing the RAR can be viewed at:

Would the building cut off light to balconies at 100 Mill Point Road and was this considered in the council's recommendation to DAP to approve?

An overshadowing diagram has been included in the report to the DAP to identify the overshadowing impact. There will still be access to sunlight during parts of the day.

Would the proposed amendment 46 prevent situations such as this occurring, if it is passed? How?

In relation to Amendment No. 46 to the City’s Town Planning Scheme, the officer’s recommendations being considered at the April Council meeting are aimed at addressing situations such as that experienced by apartment owners at No. 100 Mill Point Road.

Amendment No. 46 proposes that where zero street or side setbacks would adversely affect an adjoining property, Council would determine setbacks on a case-by-case basis, to ensure neighbours’ amenity is protected while also maintaining the viability of redevelopment for the affected properties. 

In order for the recommended changes to be included in the Town Planning Scheme, they must first be supported by the elected Council Members and subsequently by the Minister for Planning.

Does the council consider the situation a good planning outcome? Why or why not?

It is acknowledged that this location is experiencing transition to a denser urban environment. From time to time, circumstances such as that being experienced at 100 Mill Point Road may arise.

The City however is bound to assess all development applications under the planning rules as they exist at the time. In the current circumstances, that assessment is contained in the RAR referred to above relating to 2 Harper Tce.

Can the council say anything else to appease residents?
The DAP process includes the ability for residents to address the DAP meeting, so that residents views can be heard prior to the DAP making the decision. The City will be advising affected residents of that opportunity. 

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For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.