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South Perth Foreshore Strategy Released

Media Release 5 September 2014
South Perth Foreshore
The City announced today that the South Perth Foreshore Strategy and Management Plan (The SPF Plan) has been made available to the public.

The SPF Plan will guide the management of the foreshore into the future. It includes the improvement of public infrastructure, recreation and tourism experiences, as well as environmental values and management. The aim of the plan is to balance the competing demands for use, development and management of this precious regional public open space. 

The SPF Plan identifies the most appropriate combination of uses for the South Perth Foreshore, while maintaining and preserving the environmental and heritage values of the area and its surrounds. It complements the regional planning approach of the Swan River Trust as well as providing for local residents, regional users, and commercial, event, and tourism enterprises. 

The plan outlines the findings from background investigation and stakeholder engagement activities undertaken since late 2012. It prioritises the ten nodes of the foreshore, and lists strategies for the future of this significant regional reserve. It will enable the development of foreshore spaces that are accessible, activated, inclusive and well connected while being diverse with identifiable ‘nodes’ of the foreshore.

City of South Perth Mayor Sue Doherty said, “As custodians of the foreshore, the City has a responsibility to plan and ensure the foreshore continues to be sustainably managed.

“The first priority in rolling out this plan is the Mends St Piazza and Promenade, with the revitalisation of this foreshore node.

“Along with the construction of a promenade along the river walls, the revitalisation of this area is long overdue.  It is an important component in preparing the foreshore for the Elizabeth Quay development [across the river] and the incoming ferry and pedestrian traffic following its completion.”

The South Perth Foreshore Strategy and Management Plan will be presented for adoption at the September Council meeting and is available to download on the City’s website.

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For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.

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For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.