Extraordinary Election Results 2023


The City of South Perth's newly elected Councillor for the Como Ward was determined on Friday 3 March 2023.

The vote count commenced at 6pm at the City of South Perth Civic Centre, conducted by the City's Returning Officer.

The election results are as follows:

Como Ward Extraordinary Election 2023 

Nick Warland has been elected as the new Councillor for the Como Ward following the City of South Perth’s Extraordinary Election held Friday 3 March 2023. 

Vote Count

  • Bill Gleeson - 119
  • Nick Warland - 959
  • Bronwyn David - 490
  • Ken Ashworth - 469
  • Total Valid Votes - 2,037
  • Informal - 12

Congratulations to Nick Warland and thank you to everyone who nominated and voted in this year's local government election.

Download the City of South Perth - Election Results for more information.

For further details about the election visit Western Australian Electoral Commission website.