2023 Extraordinary Election - Como Ward
Local Government Extraordinary Election - Close of Enrolments
You may be eligible to be enrolled to vote in the Local Government Extraordinary Election on 3 March 2023 if you live in or are an owner or occupier of rateable property in the Como Ward of the City of South Perth.
The Roll closes 5pm, Thursday 12 January 2023.
For more information, refer to the Close of Enrolments - City of South Perth notice.
Nominations open 8.00 am 18 January 2023 and close 4.00pm 25 January 2023.
Returning Officer
Fiona Bentley
0477 263 280
For further information about elections, visit the Western Australian Electoral Commission website.
Enrolment Forms
You can enrol or update your details online, or download an enrolment form, via the Western Australia Electoral Commission website. Forms are also available from the Australian Electoral Commission.
Enrolments and updates must be completed and received by 5pm, Thursday 12 January 2023.
Non-Resident Owners and Occupiers Only
Enrolment forms can be obtained from the City of South Perth and must be lodged with the Chief Executive Officer by 5pm, Thursday 12 January 2023.
Removal of address from the roll
The state electoral roll and owner and occupier roll are publicly available for inspection. If you are of the opinion that the publication of your address would place your safety, or the safety of your family, at risk you can apply to have your address removed from the roll.
If you are enrolled on the state electoral roll, you can make a claim under s51B of the Electoral Act 1907. Fill out the Application for Removal of Address from State Electoral Roll form and send it to:
Electoral Commissioner
GPO Box 9867
Perth WA 6848
The below forms are also available at the Civic Centre, South Perth and Manning Libraries.
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Local Government Ordinary Postal Election Notice
The City of South Perth is holding an election by postal vote on Saturday, 21 October 2023 to fill vacancies in the offices of Mayor and Councillors as listed below:
CHOY, Mary
Manning Ward - 1 Councillor
WATTS, George
THORNE, Warren
Mill Point Ward - 1 Councillor
Moresby Ward - 1 Councillor
RUSSELL, Stephen
Councillor Elected Unopposed
Como Ward
WAUGH, Bronwyn
elected until 16 October 2027
Election Packages will be sent to all electors on the local government electoral roll where there is an election in their electorate.
You may hand deliver your postal voting papers, or obtain a replacement package (if the package is not received, or should any papers be missing), during business hours before election day from the following location(s):
City of South Perth Civic Centre, Corner Sandgate Street and South Terrace, SOUTH PERTH
Post your vote early. Completed postal voting packages must reach the Returning Officer by 6.00pm on election day, Saturday, 21 October 2023.
You may hand deliver your postal voting papers to an electoral officer, or obtain a replacement package (if the package is not received, or should any papers be missing), between 8am and 6pm on election day at the following location(s):
Chief Polling Place:
City of South Perth Civic Centre, Corner Sandgate Street and South Terrace, SOUTH PERTH
The count of votes will commence after 6.00pm at the City of South Perth Civic Centre Reception Room, Corner Sandgate Street and South Terrace, SOUTH PERTH.
Electronic Counting Place
30 Beaufort Street, Northbridge may be used as an electronic counting place.
13 63 06

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