Street Trees
Street trees are a vital part of the City of South Perth’s urban forest and provide over 320Ha of tree canopy cover. As with many suburbs around Perth, the City is experiencing canopy loss on private properties and needs to plant as many trees along streets as possible to maintain a healthy urban forest.
Benefits of street trees
Street trees provide many benefits to the community and local streetscapes including:
- Valuable shade
- Reducing surface heat
- Protection from wind
- Reducing glare
- Providing habitat for fauna
- Replenishing oxygen while removing carbon dioxide
- Providing a more aesthetically pleasing environment
- Reducing storm water runoff.
Request a street tree
Residents can request for a tree to be planted on their verge if there isn't one already or if there is space for more than one. City officers will determine the appropriate tree species, alignment and spacing for your verge and street in order to maintain the continuity of existing streetscapes.
Trees are planted in winter and the City contractors water them for their first two summers to help them become established.
Street tree maintenance and pruning
The City carries out all street tree maintenance/pruning. Street trees that are located under power lines are pruned annually - please refer to the Street tree pruning schedule below for details. Alternatively, search your address using Intramaps to find out when street tree pruning is happening in your area.
Minor pruning including some under pruning occurs in each area six months later as part of the City's annual pruning program.
Street trees that are not located under power lines are pruned as required or as requested to ensure safe pedestrian and vehicle access. Please note that it is an offence for anyone to prune or remove a street tree.
Residents may request for a street tree to be pruned and this will be carried out in line with the City's annual pruning program.
Annual Street Tree Pruning Program
As part of our annual street tree pruning program, all of our street trees are regularly assessed. You can find updated information about street trees by using our online mapping system, Intramaps. If a verge tree requires pruning, please refer to the schedule below in the first instance.
Please refrain from reporting issues unless urgent, or until after the scheduled pruning has been completed.

Stage | Area | ROUND 1 | ROUND 2 |
1 | Como Beach | July | January |
2 | Manning, Salter Point, Waterford | August | February |
3 | Como, Manning, Karawara | September | March |
4 | Como, Kensington | October | April |
5 | South Perth | November | May |
6 | South Perth | December | June |
Round 1 includes uplift, off-road and under wires pruning. Round 2 includes uplift only.
Trees of Special Significance
The City has a number of street, park and private Trees of Special Significance. These trees have met special criteria and are registered as a Significant Tree. Trees of Special Significance cannot be removed, pruned or maintained in any way without written permission from the City. You can find these trees in purple on Intramaps.