Commemorative Plaques

A request for a plaque or memorial for a deceased person who had a significant connection with the City will be considered under Policy P609 Management of City Property.

The Policy states:

‘The City may allow friends or relatives of a deceased person who had a significant connection with the City to install a commemorative plaque on City controlled land.  The City’s officers may decide to allow the installation of a commemorative plaque on an approved structure or tree only.

Significant connection with the City is assessed on the merits of the individuals, but generally relates to long standing residents and those who have made significant contributions to the City or a particular place within the City. To qualify for a memorial, the person must have been a resident of the City of South Perth and have made a significant contribution (through sport, community involvement, education, etc.) to the City of South Perth community.’ 

In order to proceed with the request, the following supporting information is required:
Advice on the deceased person’s link with the site and or the City of South Perth
The deceased person’s address in the City of South Perth and their length of residency
The type of memorial proposed and a suggested location in the City of South Perth and
The text proposed to be included on the plaque. The plaque may be either cast bronze or stainless steel. The plaque size will be 150mm x 75mm x 1.5mm thick.

Once this information has been received, the City will assess the request against the criteria. 

It should be noted that a plaque could cost up to $5,000 depending on the material used and the style of the content. Costs will include the cost of the seat and concrete base (if seat-mounted), the plaque itself plus all costs associated with delivery and installation. 

Family and friends are expected to pay for these costs. The City will maintain the memorial for 10 years, which is the usual life of the asset. Once the 10 year anniversary has passed, the memorial plaque will be removed and transferred to the City’s historical collection. The plaque can then be collected by a family member or the plaque will be destroyed five years after its removal.

To apply for a plaque, please email the above information to marked for the attention of the Parks and Environment. If you have any further enquiries, please contact the City on 9474 0777.