Collier Pavillion Expressions of Interest

The City is inviting Expressions of Interest (EOI) from eligible organisations to use the Collier Pavilion comprising a hall measuring 50m² plus a small kitchen/kiosk area.

The Pavilion is located at the corner of Murray Street and Thelma Street in Como and is situated on Crown land that is granted to the City under a Management Order to be used for ‘recreation purposes’. The City has the power to lease/licence the land subject to consent from the Minister for Lands. 

Eligible organisations are invited to submit an EOI for use of the pavilion for recreation purposes for an approved period to be negotiated. 

Note: The use does not include the change rooms adjacent to the hall. 

Types of eligible organisations

Eligible organisations may include (but not be limited to): 

  • Not-for-Profit incorporated organisations
  • Community organisations
  • Sporting groups 
  • Commercial organisations 

The EOI process does not exclude other submissions from being received and assessed during the year.

A scoring system will be used as part of the assessment of the qualitative criteria.  It is essential that respondents address each qualitative criterion as set out in the EOI document.

Applicants will be assessed by the City and advised of the outcome by written correspondence. The EOI process is the first step in the application process and applicants should be aware that if their EOI progresses to the next stage, further approvals will be required.

Please complete the Expression of Interest form and submit with your supporting documentation before 4pm, Monday 19 July 2021 to

EOI details and form