Finding the City's Public Art
The City of South Perth is home to a wide range of works of public art, including sculptures, integrated artworks, murals, community art projects and - at certain times of the year - temporary and ephemeral (short-lived) public art. The artworks include pieces that have been commissioned by the City and others that have been commissioned by State Government agencies, private developers and those that have been initiated by community members.
The City's public art map is an accessible resource with information about past, present and anticipated public artworks within the City.
The interactive map shows the location of artworks, and provides images and basic information about them. You can select to view information in one of four layers, depending on your interests:
- Current and Past Projects
- Murals and Community Art
- City of South Perth Public Art Collection
- Developer Projects.
Public Art Map
Click on the box in the top right hand corner of the map to expand it and see the key.