Deliberative panel recommends urban greening priorities

News Update 5 March 2025
Stage 2 of the City’s Urban Greening Strategy stakeholder engagement is now complete. The City brought together key stakeholders and community members in a deliberative panel.
Independent consultants facilitated workshops attended by 38 people who represented the City’s demographic, and who worked collaboratively to address the remit:
  • To recommend urban greening priorities in the City of South Perth, that best balance the needs of the community and the natural environment for future generations.
The panel first got together for a two-hour induction in early February. They met for two full days on Saturdays 8 and 22 February to explore the key challenges and opportunities, before confirming their priorities for urban greening in the City.
The panellists selected three of their members to present a summary of their work and a report to Mayor Greg Milner and three of the Councillors.
The next steps are that Josh Byrne & Associates will take on board the panel’s priorities when writing the draft Urban Greening Strategy.
There will be an opportunity for further community feedback on the draft Urban Greening Strategy during Stage 3 of the stakeholder engagement process, which is expected to be in April/May 2025.
See Your Say South Perth for further information.

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For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.