Collier Park Golf Course Business Plan to be presented to City of South Perth Council

News Update 16 August 2024

The City of South Perth has prepared a Major Land Transaction Business Plan, which will be presented to Council at the Tuesday 27 August Ordinary Council Meeting.  

The Business Plan focuses on the proposed redevelopment works at Collier Park Golf Course. It outlines a significant investment from both the City and Clublinks, with the City committing approximately $10 million and Clublinks $8 million, subject to Council approval. 

The release of the Business Plan (subject to Council approval) is the first stage in a multi-step process and provides information on the ongoing detailed design work.  

The Business Plan will be open for public comment for a six-week period.  Any submission made will be presented to Council for consideration. 

The Business Plan can be viewed as part of the Council Agenda Briefing documentation.

To stay up to date on the development, visit Collier Park Golf Course website or subscribe to our fortnightly newsletter,   

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.