Recreation and Aquatic Facility update

News Update 12 May 2023
Council will consider a report on the proposed Recreation and Aquatic Facility (RAF) at the May Ordinary Council Meeting to be held at 6pm, Tuesday 23 May 2023.  

The report provides an update on the resolution from the Special Council Meeting held on 30 March 2023, including the outcome of the City’s request to seek $20 million in funding for the RAF from the 2023/24 State Budget. 

At the Special Council Meeting, Council also requested the City to investigate methods of financing the estimated $1-$1.5 million annual operating deficit of the RAF and present the findings to Council at a workshop by 31 May 2023. 

The State Government has advised that it is still considering the City’s request, however funding for the project was not included in the 2023/24 State Budget. This, combined with high interest rates and economic uncertainty has led the City to recommend that Council not proceed with the RAF. 

The City has noted that the Chief Executive Officer will continue to engage with the Federal Government with a view to retaining the $20 million grant (which the City secured in 2019) and direct that funding towards other projects that will benefit the City of South Perth community.  

Council will make a decision on the City’s recommendation at the upcoming May Council Meeting, which will be held in the City’s Council Chamber, cnr Sandgate St and South Tce, South Perth. Audio will be live-streamed for those who are unable to attend.   

Community members can make a deputation at the 16 May 2023 Council Agenda Briefing and ask up to three questions at the Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 23 May 2023. Details can be found on the City’s Council Meetings page.    

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