Public Art Masterplan launched
Our inaugural Public Art Masterplan 2022-2025 guides the City’s approach to the acquisition and management of current and future public art assets.
It supports strong public art outcomes at a neighbourhood level. Among other initiatives, the Masterplan details the City’s ongoing commitment to facilitate public art commissions in association with private development.
Keep a look out for these new private developer commissions that have recently been installed:
- Currents by Vox Lab – Coles, South Perth
- Birds on Parade by Peter McMeikan – 4 Paterson St, Salter Point
- The Sun still Face to Face we Meet (Sun facing, Shadow making) by Joanna Brown – Farmer Jacks, Como
- The Reach Of Our Growth by Lorenna Grant – Manning Hub, Manning
- Improvisation East and West by Stormie Mills – 2 Edgecumbe St, Como.
Pictured below are Improvisation East and West by Stormie Mills, image courtesy of @21henley Instagram; and The Sun still Face to Face we Meet (Sun facing, Shadow making) by Joanna Brown, image courtesy of the artist.

