Planting adds to foreshore bike path beauty

News Update 29 June 2022

The beauty of the South Perth Foreshore cycle path will be enhanced over time with the growth of more than 1,000 native plants.

Planting alongside the section of path between Mindeerup and Millers Pool was recently completed by Aboriginal Land Care (Ngala Boodja).

The work contract is part of an ongoing arrangement between the City and Aboriginal Land Care, which provides land management for bushland, reserves and parks, as well as employment opportunities for Aboriginal people.

This relationship is a key aspect of the City's Reconciliation Action Plan, which identifies 'actions' such as providing opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.  

Further winter planting of City sites will continue throughout the coming months, while a number of community-based planting days will also be held to enhance our natural environment.

To learn more, visit our Environmental Projects page or get involved with local planting activities, such as National Tree Day on Sunday 31 July. 

Contact us

For more information, please contact the City or Make a Request online.
  • Phone 9474 0777