How will you go plastic free in July?

News Update 10 June 2022

Anyone can help to reduce or eliminate plastic waste and Plastic Free July is a great opportunity to start making a difference to our environment – at home, work or school and in the community.

Plastic Free July is a key initiative of the Plastic Free Foundation and encourages us to swap single-use plastic items for more sustainable, reusable products or find ways to avoid products with plastic packaging.

Some easy changes include:

  • Bring your own cup instead of using takeaway cups
  • Pack lunches in reusable containers rather than using plastic wrap or sandwich bags
  • Look for alternatives to disposable products and avoid products with excess packaging
  • Use bar soaps instead of liquid soap 

Making change is easier with help from friends or family, so you can find out more about taking the plastic free challenge on the Plastic Free July website

From 1 July 2022, some plastic items will also be banned when the State Government's plastics ban comes into effect. This will include plastic shopping bags, many food utensils and containers, expanded polystyrene, cups and balloon releases.

The City has been working with local businesses to make the transition, however there is plenty of information about the WA Plastics Ban online or business owners can subscribe to the City's Business in Focus eNewsletter for the latest updates.

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For more information, please contact the City.