Coode Street Foreshore
If you’d like to be part of this exciting project, please register your details and we will keep you updated about the engagement opportunities.
Key themes from this consultation will help shape the development of the node plan for the area with the actions subject to future grant funding and City budget.
As custodians of the South Perth foreshore, it is vital for the City to ensure this much loved reserve continues to be sustainably managed.
The South Perth Foreshore Strategy and Management Plan (SPF Plan) established a strategic vision for the future management of the South Perth foreshore between Ellam Street and the Narrows Bridge. The Plan identifies ten nodes along the foreshore, each with distinctive characteristics, opportunities and management issues, and strategies for each.
These strategies were developed following extensive stakeholder and community engagement for the SPF Plan.
The Strategy for Node 2: Coode Street is to develop the area as:
- A better serviced family recreational space, with improved facilities; a choice of food and beverage outlets; and
- A diversity of activities including all ages and abilities playground, rowing, sailing, boat mooring, and water play.
Following on from the Connect South Project which has activated Node 1: Mends St, the Coode Street Foreshore project will represent another significant milestone resulting from the SPF Plan.

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