Community garden flourishes

News Update 22 December 2021

McDougall Farm in Como is a thriving community enterprise thanks to the hard work and commitment of local volunteers. The garden proudly supports local organisations including Southcare, Manning Senior Citizens Centre and the Manning Men’s Shed with donations of fruit and vegetables. 

The City was pleased to support McDougall Farm Community Garden recently with funding through our Community Grants program. The garden is looking better than ever after being reinvigorated with new mulch and upgraded garden beds thanks to the grant.

Students from Aquinas College visit each week to help maintain the garden and have been pleased to see their hard work pay off with the freshly laid mulch resulting in improved soil quality. Students learn about how to grow food, including how to awaken and sprout seeds, potting, watering first leaves and soil preparation before planting. Their experience has helped them to better understand the food chain and the relationship between birds, plants and bees.

The City supports the development of community gardens and the many social and environmental benefits they bring. If you are interested in starting a garden, visit the Community Gardens page for more information.  

Our Community Grants program supports projects that benefit the local community. Learn more about the City's Community Grants