Black Swan Habitat nears completion

News Update 14 July 2021
South Perth Foreshore Waterbird Refuge

Local waterbirds are preparing to move in to their new home as work on the Black Swan Habitat nears completion. The important environmental project will repair damaged river walls and create vital habitat for wildlife at South Perth Foreshore.

The Black Swan Habitat forms part of the South Perth Foreshore Strategy and Management Plan and is jointly funded by the City and the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions through their Riverbank Program.

Construction of the sheltered island is now complete, with timber logs and plants to create a protected area for nesting and a beach area that will allow waterbirds to take off and land safely on windy days when the water is rough.

Final stages of works include the construction of two vegetated headlands that will offer further protection and rehabilitation of the river walls to prevent erosion. The City has grown approximately 11,000 native plants and 20 trees at our nursery in Como for the Black Swan Habitat project, with planting to continue over the coming weeks.

The Black Swan Habitat project is planned to be complete towards the end of August. 

In the meantime a group of local volunteers are assisting the City by monitoring birdlife around the Black Swan Habitat. The Friends of South Perth Wetlands community group visit South Perth Foreshore several times each week to collect data on bird numbers, species, breeding and migration. Findings will be used to help the City assess the effectiveness of the project.  

Learn more about the Black Swan Habitat project.

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For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.