Share your happy place for a chance to star in a TV commercial

News Update 1 June 2021

WA Local Government Association (WALGA)  are calling on residents and local businesses to share their happy place for a chance to star in your own TV commercial.

Happy places are facilities in your community managed by your local Council – think parks, libraries, sporting centres and more.

Is there a hidden gem in your area? It could be a street art mural you walk past everyday, a community arts centre, a group fitness class, a Council-run event or your favourite place to get out in nature.

Submit your story at for the chance to star in your own TV commercial with your happy place, and take home a Canon EOS DSLR Camera! (Valued at $1066 RRP*).

Entries close Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Share your happy place on the City of South Perth Facebook or Instagram page with #discoversouthperth for a chance to feature in the City's Peninsula magazine.


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