Working to prevent crime in the City

News Update 10 March 2021

As part of the City of South Perth’s strategy to provide a safe, welcoming and enjoyable City for both residents and visitors, we facilitate a Community Safety and Crime Prevention Group comprised of City staff, WA Police representatives, state government agencies and local community associations involved in community safety.

The Group meets on a regular basis to monitor community safety and crime prevention at a local level.

At the most recent meeting held on 17 February 2021, the Group discussed implementing strategies to address current community safety issues.

City staff met with the newly appointed officer in charge (OIC) of the Kensington Police Station to discuss ‘hoon’ driving on Mill Point Rd in South Perth, and how the City could effectively assist WA Police to prevent this criminal activity.

To mitigate speeding vehicles on Mill Point Rd, the City and WA Police agreed on the following strategies:

  • WA Police to facilitate patrols in the area
  • The City to set up its mobile CCTV camera trailer in the area
  • The City to undertake traffic count surveys along Mill Point Rd and to provide the data to the WA Police. This data will assist in Police enforcement by providing them specific days/times when vehicles are speeding.
  • The City also agreed to work with WA Police to provide virtual message boards (VMB) along Mill Point Rd when Police undertake their next targeted their next ‘Hooning Blitz’.

Additionally, the City is liaising with WA Police, Main Roads and neighbouring local government authorities to investigate the use of new technology to assist in crime prevention and community safety, namely Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technology.

The City is also working with WA Police to discuss the upcoming ‘Community Safety and Crime Prevention Funding’ program. The next grant round opens in August 2021 and the City will apply for funding to continue with the implementation of its community safety project priorities.

Our strategic approach to crime prevention across the whole of the City of South Perth is guided by our Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan 2019-2021

This Plan provides direction on a range of initiatives that are being implemented by the City and partnering organisations. 

To find out more visit the City's website.

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