Lighting upgrades to Olives Reserve
As part of the 2020/21 Capital Works Program, new 5 metre tall lights will be installed at Olives Reserve along the footpath connecting the southern section of the reserve to the northern carpark. The installation of these lights will be undertaken in two separate stages.
- Stage One - Identifying and inspecting existing pole locations and testing switchboard
- Stage Two - Delivering, installing and commissioning light poles.
The City’s contractor will commence Stage One on 22 February 2021. It will take approximately 2-3 days to complete the works, weather and other conditions permitting. Works will be confined to 7am to 5pm Monday to Friday, although in order to complete the works it may be necessary to carry out some activities outside of these hours.
For the safety of the public, temporary pedestrian traffic management will be implemented. Please follow all signage and/or directions from worksite personnel.
Stage Two commencement will depend on the delivery of light poles and will be updated once timeframe is confirmed.
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