Local student recognised with Ted Maslan Award

Media Release 27 January 2021

2020’s top Year 12 student living in the City of South Perth, Blake Mathieson, was recognised at today’s Australia Day Morning Ceremony receiving the Ted Maslen Award.

The Perth Modern student received the prestigious $3,000 prize, which is paid in three annual increments of $1,000, to assist with costs associated with university studies.
Blake achieved a Certificate of Distinction and is the highest overall achieving student in the City of South Perth. 

He has also been awarded a Subject Exhibition in Drama and Certificate of Excellence in Drama. Blake has applied to study medicine at UWA this year.
The award is named after Dr Ted Maslen, who was a prize-winning student, Rhodes Scholar and renowned staff member at the University of Western Australia from 1960.

Dr Maslen was founding director of UWA’s crystallography centre and head of the Physics Department from 1993 until his death in 1997. Dr Maslen was involved with the City of South Perth for 22 years, and served as a Councillor for three terms.

Mayor Greg Milner was proud to present the award and recognise both Dr Maslan and a high-achieving young person within the local community.

“I extend my congratulations to Blake, and wish him all the best for his studies in medicine,” he said.

“Your ongoing commitment and dedication to your education is exemplary and I’m pleased to be able to acknowledge your well-deserved success. 

“It takes dedication to achieve a high score in Year 12 and the City hopes this prize assists you in achieving your academic and professional goals.”

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