Volunteers and stakeholders recognised

Media Release 4 December 2020

Volunteers and stakeholders throughout the City have been recognised for the significant contribution they make to our local community at the annual Thank You Event.

This year’s celebration was held at Mindeerup in South Perth, on Thursday 3 December and was attended by 150 local volunteers, stakeholders and guests.

A major focus of the event was the announcement of the Volunteer of the Year. A total of 48 volunteers were nominated in three categories for their involvement in helping to make our local community a great place to live.

This year’s nominees have donated their time, helping out at over 70 organisations across WA assisting with fundraising, the elderly, community groups, sporting clubs and providing supplies including food, hygiene packs, activity boxes, toys, blankets, beanies and scarves.

City of South Perth Mayor Greg Milner congratulated all nominees and winners and acknowledged the importance of community volunteering. I would also like to recognise the support of the many stakeholders who partner with the City on a range of events and projects throughout the year.

“Volunteering is a big part of the Australian way of life, we’ve always been a nation of people willing to roll up our sleeves, pitch in and have a go for the common good.

“Volunteers play a vital role in shaping the City’s identity, helping to build strong and resilient communities, combating isolation and loneliness and increasing inclusion and community participation.

“The City relies on the valuable support of more than 150 volunteers each year for a range of services and activities including our libraries, the Old Mill, Justice of the Peace, taking care of bushland, planting trees and helping out at City events,” Mayor Milner said.

The winners of this year’s Volunteer of the Year awards are:

  • Junior Volunteer of the Year (18 years and under) - Sophie Smith
  • Youth Volunteer of the Year (18 to 25 years) - Dillon Monteiro
  • Volunteer of the Year (over 25 years) - Carl Daggers

Junior Volunteer of the Year

Sophie Smith is a 16 year old Kensington resident and has been volunteering for six years.

She has been involved with the Kensington Baha’i youth group, teaching at day camps, visiting local nursing homes, fundraising for charity and has been a member of the South Perth Youth Network (SPYN) since 2017. Sophie was involved in the creation of the Winter Hope Project, collecting blankets, beanies and sleeping bags for people in need. She also helps out with the Salvation Army’s Red Shield Appeal and The Smith Family.

Sophie is often the first to volunteer to help out at events and always goes above and beyond to help out. Some of the events she has volunteered at include Australia Day, Youth Week, Hello Manning, Karawara Family Fun Day, Mends Street Market and Manning Farmers Markets.

Youth Volunteer of the Year

Dillon Monteiro is a year 12 student at Wesley College in South Perth and has accrued 293 hours of community service over the last four years.

He has been a volunteer with the South Perth Youth Network (SPYN), participated in the Relay for Life and the World’s Greatest Shave for the last four years and helped out at Australia Day and the South Perth Sounds concert. Dillon is involved with the Wesley College community, organising a variety of community initiatives and events for students including tree planting.

Volunteer of the Year

Carl Daggers has a long history of volunteering and has been associated with the Salter Point Sea Scouts since 1978.

He has been a scout leader since 1986 and has worked with approximately 700 young people, teaching them new skills during this time.  Carl is highly respected on a state and national level, he is also the national team leader for training adult scout leaders.

Carl has been a long term participant in the City’s Australia Day program, National Flag Raising Ceremony and ANZAC Day event, working with the local RSL club.