Tender 14/2020 - Weir Rectification Works

Public Notice 14 November 2020

Requests for Tender

Tender 14/2020 - Collier Park Golf Course Weir Rectification Works

The City of South Perth invites detailed submissions from experienced and qualified companies or persons for a tender in the provision of Collier Park Golf Course Weir Rectification Works.

Tender closes 2pm, Tuesday 8 December 2020

A copy of the tender documentation must be obtained by registering your details via the City’s eProcurement portal.

Tender documentation must be submitted electronically via the City’s eProcurement portal no later than the closing time.

For contractual information, contact Procurement Coordinator on 9474 0777 or email enquiries@southperth.wa.gov.au.

Responses submitted by facsimile, email, hand delivered or by telephone will not be accepted for evaluation. 

Canvassing of any City of South Perth staff or Councillors will disqualify tenderers from the tender process.

Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

Geoff Glass,
Chief Executive Officer

Contact us

For more information, please contact the City or Make a Request online.
  • Phone 9474 0777