Revocation Notice - P309 & P310

Public Notice 1 October 2020

Revocation Notice

Local Planning Policies ‘P309 Satellite Dishes’ & ‘P310 Telecommunications Infrastructure’

The City of South Perth has resolved to revoke the above mentioned policies. 

P309 Satellite Dishes provides guidance on siting of satellite dishes to reduce visual impact. P310 Telecommunications Infrastructure applies to any above ground telecommunications infrastructure, and requires the City’s planning approval for any proposals that do not constitute a ‘low impact facility’, in accordance with Schedule 3 to the Telecommunications Act 1997 (Commonwealth).

P309 and P310 have been revoked as these policies are superseded by more recent changes to the State Government’s planning framework. Their revocation will ensure that the City’s local planning framework remains current and relevant as a new local planning scheme is prepared. 

For further information, please contact the City’s planning department on 9474 0777 or

Chief Executive Officer

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For more information, please contact the City.