Looking after our natural environment

Media Release 14 July 2020

The City is working to create an ideal habitat to attract micro bats at a number of reserves.

Bat boxes are being installed in trees at Neil McDougall Park in Como and Bodkin Park in Waterford to encourage the mammals to use them as breeding roosts and maternity sites.

Micro bats are a necessary part of the ecosystem and play an important role in controlling insect populations, consuming up to 1,000 mosquitos in a single night. Two species of micro bats have been identified in the area, the Gould’s wattled bat and white striped freetail bat.

A similar project ran several years ago in conjunction with Aquinas College, but was impacted by pink and grey galahs eating the boxes. The new boxes will include sheeted metal to prevent damage.

The City is also planning a series of FREE night tours in October, called Night Stalks, to help educate the community about our amazing wildlife. Booking details will be provided in the next couple of weeks.

For more information about the City’s environmental projects click here.

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