Council delivers 1% rates reduction

Media Release 9 July 2020

Council has delivered a 1% reduction (excluding growth) on rates revenue as part of the 2020/21 Annual Budget, endorsed at the Special Council Meeting on Tuesday 7 July 2020.

The rate reduction is the latest in a range of measures taken as part of the City’s commitment to supporting households and businesses that have been affected by the global Coronavirus pandemic. In response to these challenging economic times, the City has been working hard to deliver both financial relief and economic support for the community.

Council has taken a considered, conservative approach to preparing the 2020/21 Annual Budget, working hard to identify efficiencies and cost savings as part of the budget setting process. Among other things, the Budget delivers:

  • Rates relief for the community
  • Additional assistance for those facing financial hardship
  • Carefully considered prioritisation of public spending
  • Capital works that will improve the City’s financial position in the medium-to-long term, as well as generate financial activity to stimulate the local economy’s recovery from the impact of COVID-19.

Mayor Greg Milner said developing a budget during a once in a 100-year event has been challenging.

“The Budget reflects Council’s desire to reduce the financial pressures faced by residents, families and businesses, while simultaneously addressing the extraordinary circumstances of COVID-19.

“The City of South Perth community expects strong financial management and a responsible approach to rates. That’s what the community has asked for, and that’s what Council is delivering.

“At the same time, this Budget delivers funding for key projects across the City, which will achieve the twin goals of providing local economic stimulus to support businesses and jobs, as well as improving the City’s cost-efficiency and financial position in the medium-to-long term” Mayor Milner said.

Funding has been allocated to park and playground upgrades, floodlighting at sporting venues, roads and footpaths, community safety infrastructure (such as CCTV) and new and enhanced technologies to deliver improved operational cost-efficiencies in the future.

Key projects in the 2020/21 budget include:

Major projects

  • $600K Recreation and Aquatic Facility (RAF)
  • $1.7M for the construction of a mini-golf course


  • $3M Roadworks

Community, Infrastructure and sporting facilities

  • $1M on CCTV and lighting for improved community safety
  • $570K Manning Hub Streetscape
  • $290K Redmond Reserve Stairs
  • $135K Morris Mundy Reserve – Design and Construction
  • $70K Como Bowling Club Kitchen Upgrade
  • $30K Hurlingham Playground Replacement
  • $15K Hensman Tennis - Kitchen
  • $7K EJ Oval – Precinct Stage 3 – Awnings


  • $1.5M Waterbird Refuge (Black Swan Habitat)*
  • $40K Mt Henry Spit – Restoration and Foreshore
  • $205K Solar Panels

Your rates

Rates notices involve three charges: rates, waste service charge and the emergency services levy (ESL).

Rates provide essential services, facilities and infrastructure for our local community, including libraries, rubbish collection, sporting facilities, parks, footpaths and roads.

The waste service charge includes weekly rubbish pick up, fortnightly recycling collection and three verge side rubbish collections each year. Residential ratepayers also receive two green waste and one general waste pass to the Recycling Centre.

The City of South Perth has one of the lowest waste charges in the Perth metropolitan area at $325 this budget, unchanged from last year.

The Emergency Services Levy is collected on behalf of the State Government, to fund Fire and Emergency Services.


*$700,000 State Government grant.

Contact us

For more information, please contact the City or Make a Request online.
  • Phone 9474 0777