Wishing you a safe and healthy Easter

News Update 9 April 2020

Mayor Greg Milner would like to wish our local community a safe and healthy Easter long weekend:

'On behalf of the City of South Perth and your Council, I would like to wish each and every one of you a very happy Easter and a relaxing and enjoyable long weekend.

'It’s not exactly business as usual at the moment and our Prime Minister has asked us to keep safe and stay home during this long weekend to keep up the great work the community has been doing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

'So, with that in mind we are going to be doing a little Easter egg hunt in the backyard this weekend.

'It’s going to be a bit of a tough time for some, so please reach out to family and friends whether it is by phone, facetime, skype and check in and make sure that people are doing OK.

Stay safe, look after each other and Happy Easter everyone,' Mayor Milner said.

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