Message from Mayor Greg Milner

News Update 27 March 2020

Your Council has been hard at work during these difficult times to respond to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. I would like you to know that throughout this rapidly evolving situation, your safety and wellbeing is our top priority.

The City has introduced a number of measures to support our community while we move through the global pandemic.

The City and Council are working with State and Federal governments to make sure we have the best support services available.

  • We're relaxing delivery time restrictions for our businesses, so that much-needed supplies like hand sanitiser, anti-bacterial wipes, tissues and toilet paper can get to our community.
  • Additional measures have been introduced across City and Council buildings, including additional cleaning for high touch surfaces, we are providing hand sanitiser and have implemented social distancing.
  • We've made the difficult decision to postpone or cancel all City-facilitated community events and programs. We have also closed the libraries and George Burnett Leisure Centre.
  • Although the physical libraries have closed, our library online e-resources such as ebooks, audiobooks, newspapers, magazines, eLearning, research and streaming services are still operating as normal.
  • We understand the effect this may have on your budget. I have asked the City to consider the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on households and businesses when preparing the 2020/21 Budget. This includes modelling a zero rates revenue movement budget for Council’s consideration and looking at how City assets and personnel can be redeployed to where they’ll be most needed.
  • The City is providing ongoing news updates via our website and social media. Please visit

The situation has changed rapidly in recent weeks, and will continue to evolve. Your Council is monitoring the situation closely. We will be redeploying City assets and personnel as best we can to ensure that you continue to receive essential services during this crisis. We will continue to keep you informed in the weeks to come.

This will be a very difficult time for many people in our community. In times of adversity, we should remember that we are all in this together. Check in with your friends and family, even if it’s by phone, Facetime or Skype. Make sure that they’re OK. Be conscious of the effects of social isolation. Be kind to the people in your neighbourhood, especially our seniors and those with special vulnerabilities. Maintain proper hand hygiene and social distancing. Keep calm. Stay safe.   

As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out for help, advice or support if you need it. As a City, we are here to help and we are going to do our level best to assist this community where we can.

Take care, look after yourselves, and each other.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.