March Agenda Briefing – Draft Local Planning Strategy

News Update 17 March 2020
Due to the number of people indicating their intention to attend tonight’s Agenda Briefing in relation to item 10.0.1 Draft (Modified) Local Planning Strategy, in the interests of public safety and in fulfilling the City’s obligations under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984, the item has been removed from tonight’s agenda. 

Council would like to provide the opportunity for all interested parties to make deputations and listen to debate in relation to this item and so it will be considered at a future meeting of Council, with the date to be confirmed. 

The safety and wellbeing of the community is paramount. We have reduced the amount of seating tonight in the public gallery and Rangers will be in attendance to manage public access to ensure that numbers are within acceptable limits.

The City is proactively working on a range of matters relating to our business including Council meetings and how they are to be conducted. We are guided by what else is happening within the local government sector as well as by directions that may be made by State and Federal Government.  

The meeting will still go ahead at the scheduled time. Community members are asked to consider whether their attendance at tonight’s meeting is essential. Full minutes of the meeting will be available on the City’s website on Friday 20 March.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.