EOI submissions open for Box Gallery, Manning
Calling all artists, curators and community groups. Expressions of Interest (EOI) are now open for the next exhibition at Box Gallery, Manning.
The exhibition will run from 13 April-31 July 2020.
Box Gallery opened at the beginning of 2017, when 10 permanent public exhibition boxes were installed at the new Manning Community Centre, providing a public display space to showcase local artists and community groups, or collaborations between the two.
There is no set theme. However, applicants should consider the following:
- Exploration, surprise, disbelief
- Interactivity and engagement with people on-site and off-site, using digital media
- Memory and people re-discovering where they live
- Humour/irony.
The City especially encourages local artists and community groups to submit expressions of interest for this commission. Additional consideration will be given to those who live or work in the City of South Perth and to emerging artists seeking to develop their professionalism and skills.
$3,500 ex GST will be offered to the successful exhibitor selected for the exhibition.
EOI submissions close 4pm (AWST), Monday 10 February 2020. Exhibition display 13 April-31 July 2020 (end date may be subject to change).
EOI submissions to be lodged via email: publicart@southperth.wa.gov.au. For more information please contact the Cultural Development Team on 9474 0777 or visit EOI submission info pack.

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